Mayuko Ukawa
After leaving Shoto Studio corp. she sets up for own business through the assistant. She is mainly taking a portrait for advertisement and magazine.
Also appears on TV and propose a plan for collaborate exhibition with an apparel industry.
She works on expression through a photograph.
2010 ・Group exhibition 「 Hikari 」Gallery Abbey
2012 ・Solo exhibition 「 The Secret Garden 」Dish
2013 ・Group exhibition 「 nice to meet you 」Towada city Museum
・Solo exhibition 「 Out of the Garden 」Canon Gallery (Tokyo/Sendai/Osaka/Fkuoka)
2015 ・Group exhibition 「 Alternative! 」Gallery Conseal
・Solo exhibition 「 NY Love Stories 」New Yorker Ginza flagship shop
・Solo exhibition 「 GINZA Love Stories 」New Yorker Ginza flagship shop
2017 ・Solo exhibition 「 Rhapsody in Blue 」Canon Gallery (Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya)
2021 ・Solo exhibition 「 Laundromat 」FujiFilm Photo Salon Tokyo
・Solo exhibition 「 Wonderlaund 」Nine Gallery
・Published Photo Book 「 Wonderlaund 」